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Diversity Activity: The Typical Family

Objective — To challenge what we believe is true about the typical American Family.

Time — about 20 minutes.



The Typical Family

1970 1995
Families headed by married couple 87% 78%
People per household 3.14 2.65
Household made up of married couples with children 40% 25%
Household made up of married couples with no children 30.3 28.9
Households made up of 5 or more people 1 in 5 1 in 10
Households made up of people living alone 1 in 6 1 in 4
Families headed by women with no husband present 5.6 million 12.2 million
Families headed by men with no wife present 1.2 million 3.2 million
Households in metropolitan areas 2 in 3 4 in 5
Families with no children under 18 at home 44% 51%

Source: Census Bureau

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