************************* Appendix B - Form 5 ************************* by Donald Clark, copyright 1995 http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/hrd.html donclark@nwlink.com NOTE: The first part is a blank form, while the last part is an example completed form. -------------- Task Performance Measure - Training Form 1.5 -------------- 1. Department: 2. Date: 3. Analyst: 4. Department Supervisor: 5. Job: 6. Job Code: 7. Task Number: 8. Task: 9. Conditions: 10. Behavior: 11. Performance Measure: 12. Steps: ---------- Task Performance Measure - Example Train Form 1.5 ---------- 1. Department: Plans and Operations 2. Date: July 20, 1993 3. Analyst: Tom Lane 4. Department Supervisor: Rebecca Hamilton 5. Job: Statistical Clerk 6. Job Code: PO-0952 7. Task Number:PO-0952-12 8. Task: Enters projected sales into a computer spreadsheet, performs calculations using built in macros, and prints sales projection report without supervision for use in company planning. 9. Conditions: Given a personal computer with spreadsheet application, built in macros, on-line help, projected sales figures, and no supervision. 10. Behavior: Produce a projected sales report. 11. Performance Measure: Report must be within company guidelines and have no math errors. 12. Steps: 1. Turn on computer and start spreadsheet application. 2. Load projected sales report file (PROSALE.WQ1). 3. Enter projected sales figures into spreadsheet. 4. Start spreadsheet macro. 5. Print report and forward to Planning Manager. 6. Save file under new name (PRO*****.WQ1, with ***** being the next sequential number). 7. Exit application.